T e r r o r i s t   W a t c h


While you walk through this life so precious hold the flame of God's love gently in the palm of your hand, for the wind is fickle.

Terrorist Watch addresses the terrorist activities and the the methods used by al-Qaeda terrorist operatives in the U.S.,  with in-depth analysis of  the relationships that exist between al-Qaeda and Middle Eastern terrorist groups and their Middle East nation-state benefactors.


This Web site was first published in July of 1998, and has been  maintained and updated on a non-profit basis consistently since that time, without personal concern of retribution, despite a number of death threats, for the benefit of citizens worldwide who cherish their families, the right to live in a free and democratic society, and the freedom to worship the true God Almighty through the religion of their choice.


Terrorist Watch

    New Era Preface
    The Little Scroll
   America Strikes Back
    Preface to The Little Scroll
    The Little Scroll  Summary

    Iranian Ties to al-Qaeda

Kings and Generals of Nations

al Qaeda Description

The Walrus of the Sea

New Era Satellite View

State-Sponsored Terrorism

al Qaeda Terrorism In England

Terrorist Threat Confronting US

Usama bin Laden

    Ayman Al-Zawahiri FBI Poster

The Saudi Connection

    The USA Dollar Bill

The Al-Qai'da Manual Section 1

NORAD Security Breach

US Nuclear Missile Shield

Babylon of Usama bin Laden

Charter of Hamas

New Era OPS Members

Former al Qai'da Prophet

The Terrorist Threat Confronting the United States

Counter-Terrorism Sites

Afghan/Taliban/al-Qaeda Links

Interpol's Bin Laden Site 

Congressional Quarterly Press

ERRI Site on bin Laden/al Qai'da

Official DoD Pentagon Photos

FBI Official Website Most Wanted Terrorists

The U.S. Constitution

The US Bill of Rights



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Wanted by the FBI


Photograph of Ayman Al-Zawahiri

Ayman Al-Zawahiri

Aliases: Abu Muhammad, Abu Fatima, Muhammad Ibrahim, Abu Abdallah, Abu al-Mu'iz, The Doctor, The Teacher
Criminal Activity: Murder of U.S. Nationals Outside the United States; Conspiracy to Murder U.S. Nationals Outside the United States; Attack on a Federal Facility Resulting in Death
Date of Birth: June 19, 1951
Place of Birth: Egypt
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Hair: Brown/Black
Eyes: Dark
Citizenship: Egyptian
Language:  Arabic, French, (English)
Reward: The United States Government is offering a reward of up to $5 million for information leading directly to the apprehension or conviction of Ayman Al Zawahiri. 
Miscellaneous Remarks: Ayman Al Zawahiri is a physician and the founder of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad. This organization opposes the secular Egyptian Government and seeks its overthrow through violent means. Al Zawahiri is believed to now serve as an advisor and doctor to Usama Bin Laden and is currently thought to be in Afghanistan. He has been indicted for his alleged role in the August 7, 1998, bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya. (And the WTC and Pentagon attacks on 9/11)

If you have any information concerning these persons, please contact an Investigator, your local FBI Office, or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate