US Department of Defense after September 11,
2001 Terrorist Attack
As Americans have
finally acknowledged, there is a war currently being waged upon US soil by
an increasingly technologically sophisticated consortium all grouped together under the umbrella of al Qaeda,
the deadly international terrorist organization whose leader is Osama bin Laden. This was no secret three years ago, as the information has been
in the public domain for several years. After the tragic strike by al Qaeda
at America's financial and military centers of September 11, 2001
and the senseless resulting loss of over 3,00 innocent lives Osama bin
Laden and al Qaeda are now household terms.
Ayman al-Zawahiri,
now commonly referred to as bin Laden's top Lieutenant and founder of the
deadly Egyptian terrorist group al-Jihad is finally recognized by western
intelligence analysts as well as the US Government as a threat equal to or
greater than bin Laden, and now a primary target of the US-led war against
terrorists. Ayman al-Zawahiri is without a doubt the current military
henchman and the lethal force behind al-Qaeda, but this is only due to
the fact that the former intellect, strategist and the fundamental base of
power behind all of al Qaeda activities, Damien Hachey was killed in 1997
at the very moment when al Qaeda was poised to strike at the heart of America
with nuclear bombs. His death was through a miracle of God's good grace.
The tragic September
11th, 2001 attacks on the Twin Towers World Trade Center in New York City
and on the Pentagon in Washington DC were two of four targets planned to
be hit in the US that morning. The other targets in the US are believed to
be the House, the Senate and the White House. These attacks are now known
to have coincided with strikes on the US Embassies in Paris, Singapore and
undoubtedly other attacks still unknown to us that were derailed due to
the concienscious efforts of American and European intelligence agencies.
This was intended to be the core front of an extended international
campaign to crush our willingness to persevere in war, and eventually
leading to the collapse of western civilization's financial
infrastructure. This second attempt was conducted by al Qaeda with their
stated intention of destroying Western society and replacing it with a New
Era consisting of a global-wide Islamic state run by fanatical
adherents to the Takfir wal Hijra doctrine.
current goal is to establish a pan-Islamic Caliphate throughout the
world by working with allied Islamic extremist groups . . . " -
Issued statement in February 1998 by Osama bin Laden under the banner of
"The World Islamic Front for Jihad Against the Jews and
Crusaders," basically a red herring to conceal the growing strength
of 'al Qaeda', an amalgam of international terrorist
group leaders and intelligence agents of middle eastern nations,
saying it was the duty of all Muslims to kill US citizens--civilian or
military--and their allies everywhere." From: Patterns of Global Terrorism, 2000. United States Department of State.
It is estimated that 9 out of 10 PCs are infected with some sort of Spyware and/or Adware!

The degree of the
insanity of the al Qaeda leadership is reflected in their absolute belief
that they cannot fail in their goal of global dominion. The depth of
satisfaction they derive from their incomprehensibly brutal acts upon
innocent people irrespective even of their age or gender demonstrates
their total immersion into an unrelenting sadistic attachment to violence
vastly exceeding even Nero's morally corrupt reign when societies'
unbridled and bloodthirsty lust emphasized the experiencing of
progressively heightened levels of extended violence intertwined with sex
incorporating maximum levels of pain and torture resulting in the most
painful possible death of the subject. Close comparisons can be found
between the sexual depravity from Roman society during Nero's rule and of
the al Qaeda leadership I have observed and of due to their preference
for predatory violence incorporating both men and women. devotion to
powerful attraction to for barbarism reflected
in and abiding devotion to Satan. level of an irreversible
their favorite sport training tapes
Their current
military campaign against the United States of America is an attempt to
achieve the goals al Qaeda had failed to achieve from their New Era
operation, -i.e., "a world-wide Islamic Caliphate" modeled
after the former Afghanistan Taliban regime, which was conducted in the US
by senior members of al Qaeda over a number of years, culminating in
their attempt in 1997 to smuggle ten nuclear bombs into the US and
detonate them at our nation's political, financial and military centers.
That operation came within a heartbeat of succeeding.
One aspect of al Qaeda
that Americans have not fully comprehended is the unwavering belief
of al Qaeda members that they will succeed in their goal of global
dominion. I assure you the senior members of al Qaeda have illusions of
spiritual supremacy over the West, and they fully believe that any methods
that humiliate and frighten their enemy, including the live dismemberment
and desecration of their victims, is not only allowable but mandatory
under Islamic law. Tens of thousands of followers worldwide are anxious to
sacrifice their lives towards al Qaeda's unrelenting path towards the
destruction of Western culture.

Al-Gama`a al-Islamiyyah
Al-Gama`a al-Islamiyyah emerged
during the 1970's as a phenomenon rather than an organized group,
mainly in Egyptian jails and later on in some of the Egyptian
universities. Following the release of most of the Islamic
prisoners from the Egyptian jails by president Sadat after 1971,
several groups of militants began to organize themselves. These
militant groups or cells took names such as the Islamic Liberation
Party, al-Takfir wal-Hijra (Excommunication and Emigration),
Al-Najun min al-nar (Saved from the Inferno), and Jihad (Holy
War), as well as many others, including al-Gama`a al-Islamiyyah
(The Islamic Group). Each cell operated separately and was
self-contained, a fact that allowed the organization to be
structured, but at the same time loosely organized.
The Islamic Front for the
struggle against the Jews and the Crusaders
In February 1998, bin Laden announced the formation of an umbrella
organization called “The Islamic World Front for the struggle
against the Jews and the Crusaders” (Al-Jabhah al-Islamiyyah
al-`Alamiyyah li-Qital al-Yahud wal-Salibiyyin) Among the
members of this organization are the Egyptian al-Gama’a
al-Islamiyyah and the Egyptian al-Jihad. Both of these groups were
have been active in terrorism over the past decade. The
founder members of The World Islamic Front include Osama bin Laden, Dr. Ayman al- Zawahiri, leader of the Egyptian al-Jihad
and Rifa'i Ahmad Taha, a leader of the Islamic Group.
The Islamic Group is responsible for the live dismemberment and
murder of 64 tourists in Luxor, Egypt in November 1997.
Ayman Al-Zawahiri
Osama bin Laden's senior deputy, Ayman Mohammed Rabie
al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian radical who is now the real strategist
behind al Qaeda, is the prime suspect in the U.S. global war on terrorism.. Al- Jihad members testified during the 1999 trial
in Egypt that he had entered the USA in 1995 using the alias Dr
Abdel Moez and while there raised funds used to finance attacks on
the Egyptian embassy in Islamabad, and elsewhere. According to
London’s Guardian newspaper, the US House of Representatives
judiciary subcommittee on immigration was told by a counter
terrorism expert in January 2000 that al-Zawahiri was one of
several Islamic militants who had been granted green card status
by the US Immigration Service. Al-Zawahiri, born on June 19, 1951,
was indicted along with Bin Laden by a federal grand jury in New
York in 1999 for the US embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar-es
Salaam in August 1998 and has been named as a prime suspect in the
11 September suicide attacks on the World Trade Center Twin Towers
in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington.
Note: al-Zawahiri's visit was extended over a
period of several years, undoubtedly with numerous exits and
entries. Typical of al Qaeda's methods, he would have
entered under several layers of covers, one of them apparently
being fundraising. His real purpose for being in the US is
outlined on this site, and covered in depth in 'Beyond
Coincidence.' I assure you this man would not go to the trouble of
entering the USA for a mere $2000. Al Qaeda has collected over
$100M annually from Islamic Charities alone, not including their
funds raised through heroin and cocaine trafficking, in excess of
$350 million per year. They don't need money that bad.
cash by shopping at, as seen on TV!